Friday, June 25, 2010

Denali Park

A magnificent place!
See if you can find two grizzlies
They are close enough as far as I'm concerned

Now you know why artists come here to paint
These are two different grizzlies.
If you go hiking here it is best to just bring non scented water with you

A glacier scraped river bed
Dall sheep
Can you believe the scene!
There are great valleys as well as mountains
And the view goes on
Oh good finally some people in our pictures
Didn't we just see this? Nope!
This was a hanging quilt in the information center - Louise made me put it in
Rain clouds begin to roll in
Ok whose got the key to the bathroom?
and there are flat lands
This picture was taken without the aid of a flash at midnight on the solstice June 21st
So was this
Can we go to bed now? 00:05 on the 22nd
I had to put this in - a van in our campground decorated with eagles
Tenana River near Denali which eventually flows into the Yukon

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dawson City to Fairbanks

Border between Canada
and the USA on the Top of the World Highway

Happy hour!
Steamboats that had run aground
The steamboat graveyard near Dawson City
on the Yukon River

We make new friends wherever we go!
Golf course by Dawson City
Some of the supplies you may need
Bear spray, the bear horn and fly spray -
oh ya and golf balls

View from the top of the world highway
Downtown ChickenOut houses!

Some days it is just good to laugh
View of Dawson City
Where the Klondike and Yukon Rivers meet
at Dawson City

So this is where they went after
Star Wars was over!

Runners on the midnight sun run
in Fairbanks- notice how dark it is at 11:00 PM

Ok when did we turn right?
The end of the Alaska Highway
in Delta Junction

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dawson City, Yukon and area

Over looking the Tintina Trench
just before Dawson City

Five fingers rapids on the Yukon River
Close fit, campground in Whitehorse
Ferry that will take us across the Yukon for the last 100 Km before we reach the border
Not sure on rehabilitation!
This still looks much like it did in 1870 and is very much an active community

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stopped for now

Take time to smell the flowers
You can always find somewhere to park
When disaster strikes.
Wheel bearing disintegrated, created small fire while enroute, fortunately the fire extinguisher we carried was able to put the fire out. Happen to notice the smoke in the side mirror as we were driving! Now we wait for parts while we camp in Nugget City (pop 20) just west of Watson Lake. Not to worry, lots of good fishing lakes nearby and we have internet and TV, gotta love roughing it!
PS: Cold beer and wine store on site!

Things to watch for along the way

Another large river along the route (Racing River)
Don't bother me I'm having my roadside lunch
This campground was about 4000 ft elevation, the ice had gone out about a week ago
It was this big -honest!
Young bears by the road