Friday, June 25, 2010

Denali Park

A magnificent place!
See if you can find two grizzlies
They are close enough as far as I'm concerned

Now you know why artists come here to paint
These are two different grizzlies.
If you go hiking here it is best to just bring non scented water with you

A glacier scraped river bed
Dall sheep
Can you believe the scene!
There are great valleys as well as mountains
And the view goes on
Oh good finally some people in our pictures
Didn't we just see this? Nope!
This was a hanging quilt in the information center - Louise made me put it in
Rain clouds begin to roll in
Ok whose got the key to the bathroom?
and there are flat lands
This picture was taken without the aid of a flash at midnight on the solstice June 21st
So was this
Can we go to bed now? 00:05 on the 22nd
I had to put this in - a van in our campground decorated with eagles
Tenana River near Denali which eventually flows into the Yukon

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